
KIC donation to Clever Kids Homework Centre

The Clever Kids Homework Centre provides a safe place, a family atmosphere, and a nurturing attitude.  They help kids with their homework and tutor them in subjects like Maths, English and Xhosa. They also learn about health and hygiene issues, building self-esteem and confidence.

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Clever Kids have 55 children, with most of them only having 1 set of school uniform.  Most of the time they will have to wear the same uniform all week.  When they can, they wash by hand and some days they arrive at the homework centre drenched from the rain.

Throughout the winter they have been struggling to keep their uniforms clean and dry.  This then takes away from their homework and learning time.

In light of this, KIC has donated a Whirlpool Top Loader and Dryer on behalf on the Shoprite group, to Clever Kids in Masiphumelele, Fish Hoek, Western Cape.

Another awesome initiative by the Sales Department! A huge thank you and hats-off to all who were involved in making this a success.
