
How to spring clean your fridge

Spring cleaning can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t mean that cleaning your fridge should be. Fridges tend to look messy and often gain an unpleasant smell without consistently throwing out old and expired foods and giving it a wipe every now and again. It’s important to clean your fridge regularly in order to prevent food spoilage and bacteria build-up.

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How Often Should You Clean Your Fridge

If you keep your fridge organised and maintained with the below tips, then a deep clean will only be needed every two months or so. But if there’s constant spillage or your fridge is always crowded, then you’d probably need to clean your fridge on a monthly basis.

How To Keep Your Fridge Fresh And Organised

  1. If you’re reading this, it’s time to get rid of all leftovers you know your family won’t eat and sort through any expired items – especially those jars and sauces we often forget about!

PRO Tip: Instead of throwing out food that’s still perfectly good and safe to eat, store them in your freezer for those lazy days when you don’t feel like cooking. 

  1. Clean the inside of your fridge by firstly taking out your drawers and shelves. Then use equal parts of warm water and white vinegar to wipe down everything. The vinegar works as a natural deodorizer that also helps kill germs. If you’re dealing with stubborn stains, mix warm water with 1 tbsp bicarbonate of soda to gently scrub the surface, and then wipe it down with a damp microfibre cloth. 
  2. Don’t forget the outside! Clean the outside with a gentle daily surface cleaner, cool water and a microfibre scratch-resistant cloth.
  3. Limit the amount of foods you store on the fridge door balconies, because the door is the warmest part of your fridge. Items like condiments, jelly and juices can be safely stored in the door, while dairy products like milk, yoghurt and cheeses should rather be placed on your fridge’s top or middle shelves. Fresh meats should always go to the bottom of the fridge. When defrosting meat in the fridge, meat should be placed on a plate or in a container to prevent juices from contaminating other foods.
  4. Rinse fresh produce items and dry them with a paper towel to keep them fresher for longer. While you’re at it, wrap your fresh fruit and vegetables in paper towels before storing them to prevent wilting.

By following these quick tips to organise your fridge, your KIC fridge will remain cleaner and fresher for longer! 
